Swarms, cutouts and wasp removal

Swarm collected in Arcata CA

See a swarm of bees? We first recommend heading on over to our local Bee Clubs website and scroll down the swarm list. Call the beekeeper that services closest to the swarms location. Generally this is a service and most beekeepers love to collect a free colony of bees.

We service Bayside to Trinidad. Contact Eric at 707-499-6739

Swarm Removal

Swarm removal is a super fun part of our job. The most valuable information is how high up they are, how long they have been balled up and exact location. We bring our gear and shake them into a box for relocation.

Colony Removal (aka Cutout)

Depending on the project and how long the bees have been living in the wall, we charge $125 an hour to open the structure and remove the bees. We are not licensed contractors so usually remove the bees while minimally dismantling the structure and leaving a clean area for a professional to make repairs. Click HERE to download our Honey Bee Removal Contract.

Wasp Removal

We remove wasp nests without using pesticides. If they are native Paper Wasps we will relocate them without killing them otherwise we use a vacuum and rubbing alcohol to euthanize them with out leaving pesticide residues. We are $125 for an exposed colony. If they are in a wall cavity our fee starts at $250.